Friday, June 13, 2008

Technology and Me

This week I started a new class at NYU called Technology Resources. Even though I am looking forward to this class, I am a little nervous. You see, technology and me don't mix very well. I have never been on Face Book, My Space, or You Tube. I still have trouble connecting to wireless internet and I don't know what half of the bottoms are for on my Blackberry. Even my boss laughed when I told him I was taking this class because I am always complaining to him that my computer doesn't work - but really, I know that it is not the computer - its me.

So I am looking forward to this class not only to familiarize myself with technology ie: software programs, on-line resources, creating my own webpage, etc., but also to explore the different ways it can help me as a Dance Educator. What role does technology play in the world of Dance? What role does it play in Education? Can technology make both better and how? I never really thought about it before, but this class will help begin this discussion with my peers and myself.

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