Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Technology helps preserve dance history

The ability to film, photograph and record dance is important to perserving the history of dance. Through videos, dvds and now even YouTube dance educators and students have the ability to watch the dance stylings of Isadora Duncan, Doris Humphrey and many other dancers/choreographers that helped shape dance. It allows us to document choreography, movement style, costumes and music used for each piece outside of writing them down.

As a dance educator, it is wonderful to be able to put in a DVD and have a dance concert right in your classroom. It can compliment any lesson plan on dance history since many students are visual learners. And now with YouTube all of us can share our own choreography and dance styles with the rest of the world. What a great class project it would be for your class to record their choreography or develop a dance lesson plan and then place on YouTube, Face Book, etc so they can share with another school in lets say Korea. Then the students in Korea can respond with their own video on YouTube for your students. Maybe they would teach your students Korean dance. Instead of penpals this two schools can be "YouTube pals".

As your students document their dances/choreography they are developing their own dance history.

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